Rashid Dauda, the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) Organizer in the Asawase Constituency, has been released on bail after being questioned by the police for allegedly assaulting the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for the Asokore Mampong Municipality, Kennedy Kankam.
Mr. Dauda and some constituency executives had previously confronted the MCE in his office, demanding the release of funds to support activities during the recent Limited Voter Registration exercise.
The MCE’s refusal led to a heated verbal exchange between him and the Constituency Organizer.
Although the incident was reported weeks ago, Mr. Dauda was only invited by the Asokore Mampong police for interrogation on Tuesday.
After his statement was taken, he was released on bail while police investigations continued.
The First Vice Chairman of the NPP in the Asawase Constituency, Noah Owusu, denied claims that Mr. Dauda physically assaulted the MCE during their altercation.
He expressed concern that this situation is creating tension within the NPP in the constituency.